
1) вести́ себя́
2) относи́ться
* * *
I. vb:
[forholde en noget] withhold (el. keep) something from somebody ( fx he kept this information from me).
II. vb:
[forholde sig] behave; do ( fx what shall I do if he refuses?);
[sagen forholder sig sådan] the fact (of the matter) is this, the facts are these;
[hvis sagen (el. det) forholder sig sådan] if that is the case, if (that is) so;
[sådan forholder det sig] that is the case; that is so;
[hvordan forholder det sig med] what about, what is the position as regards;
[forholde sig neutral (, passiv)] remain neutral (, passive);
[forholde sig rolig] keep quiet;
[forholde sig til] adopt an attitude to,
(forstå) relate to ( fx I can't relate to that kind of
[10 forholder sig til 5 som 16 til 8] 10 is to 5 as 16 to 8.

Danish-English dictionary. 2013.

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